5 Signs You’re Fertile Now!
So you and your partner have decided your ready to try for a baby, finances are in order, major travelling done and the baby longing has firmly set in. But is your body ready to get pregnant? So between Mother Nature and perseverance here’s a few signs that may point you in the direction of when to try!
Sign #1: A heightened sense of smell.
OK so body odors can be a little off putting but if your partner’s post workout body odor is bothering you more than usual, it may not be the extra 5km’s he’s running or his fault. Recent studies revealed that a woman’s sense of smell becomes heightened and more sensitive in the latter half of a normal menstruation cycle as you near ovulation. Women in this fertile phase are more likely to be attracted to male pheromone androstenone, which is a major contributor to that strong body odor.
Sign #2: Cervical mucus changes.
Acquainting yourself with the consistency and changes in your cervical mucus over the month will help you identify your fertile phase. When a woman is not ovulating, the discharge may appear sticky, cloudy or even go undetected, however as you near ovulation, your body produces more estrogen, causing the cervical mucus to become slippery, stretchy and clear, like raw egg whites. So keep an eye on your discharge, get over the ‘icky’ phase and learn to recognize the differences and it just may turn out to be the best indicator of your peak fertility window.
Sign #3: Sexy Momma-to-be!
Mother Nature works in mysterious and very definite ways and none more so than around the time of your ovulation. You may just notice that your lips appear fuller (thanks to increased estrogen), your pupils are dilated and your skin feels super soft. Often subtle, but these slight changes are a natural sexiness designed to attract and be attracted encouraging sex and procreation. Recent studies actually confirmed that men find women more attractive if they are nearing ovulation, and is so specific that men noticed slight changes in a woman’s voice in a sexual manner.
Sign #4: Changes in your Saliva
When you are close to ovulation, changes appear in your saliva via a ‘ferning’ pattern (like frost on a windowpane). This ‘ferning’ is a signal that your body is experiencing a surge of luteinising hormone which occurs right before ovulation. There are specific Saliva Test Kits that feature a fertility microscope that enable you to detect the ‘ferning; pattern, encouraging your detective skills and a non-invasive way in which to figure out when you’re about to ovulate.
Sign #5: Your breasts are sensitive
What woman coming up to her period hasn’t complained or noticed her sore, heavy breasts? That sensitive time of the month when your breasts and nipples are tender is actually due to a rush of hormones surging through the body right before and after your ovulate.
Did you know that a……………………..
Regular menstrual cycle.
Irregular periods can certainly present challenges in the baby making process, making it harder to detect and track your peak time for ovulation. Try an Ovulation Calculator/ Ovulation Calendar to help your pinpoint this time, and once your cycles are consistent charting will be much easier and it will increase your odds of a successful conception.
Flash those pearly whites and look at those healthy gums!
Studies have shown that women with gum disease do take longer to conceive. So a visit to the dentist is in order for the once over, ensure you floss daily and brush twice a day as these little efforts could have a positive effect on your fertility odds. It has also be shown that periodontal disease can also put your baby at heightened risk of miscarriage or being born underweight. So make sure you’ve got the ‘Hollywood Smile’ and increase those positive odds.
Well balanced diet & good nutrition
So you’re well aware that your body needs to be in optimal condition not just physically but also nutritionally for successful conception. So fill the shopping basket with fruits, vegetables, vitamins and nutrients including: zinc, fibre, folate and calcium and if your salad bowl has been full of kale, avocado and plant based proteins like beans and berries then you know your overall fertility has definitely been given a boost in the right direction.
You have a normal Body Mass Index (BMI)
Both overweight and underweight can negatively affect your chances of conception, a healthy BMI range cannot be overstated as a major factor in contributing to positive fertility. A healthy BMI range is from 18.5 to 24.9, so if your BMI falls beneath 18.5 it may lead to hormonal imbalances that can affect ovulation, making conception decidedly more difficult. If your BMI is above 24.9 you may have issue’s menstruating because of insulin resistance, so if you have any issues with your BMI chat with your GP, put a plan in place to either gain or lose weight in a healthy manner and get your fertility back on track.
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