Introducing Solids

Introducing Solids

Weaning, or the process of introducing solid food to your baby’s routine, is an exciting milestone: but when should you start? Research points to six months as the ideal time, because your little one’s intestines are mostly developed by that stage.The Department of Health and the World Health Organization recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life. From six months, other foods should complement breastfeeding for up to two years or more.You should really think of weani …
21st Feb 2020 Susanna
​Breastfeeding Tips from a Real Mum

​Breastfeeding Tips from a Real Mum

You’ve attended the breastfeeding class, you’ve read the guide, you’ve spoken to the GP… As someone who’s been there, here’s 10 quick tips - straight from a mother to another! - that you might not have come across quite yet…1) You’re tired. Like, REALLY tired. (I know - so was I.) So while you breastfeed, make sure to be as comfortable as you can possibly be, as it might take a while. My advice? Rather than sitting up, lie on your side with baby facing you. 2) Leaking is normal. Don’t wor …
6th Feb 2020 Susanna

TOP 10 Breastfeeding Products

As a new mother, starting on your breastfeeding journey can be both exciting and daunting. It’s a new experience, but one that you know will bring important benefits to both you and baby. Here at we are always listening to the needs of new mothers, sourcing the best products on the market to support them during this important time in their life. Here we’d like to share our Top 10 Breastfeeding Products: tried, tested and loved by mothers, you can rely on them to ensure breastfe …
21st Aug 2019 Susanna

Haakaa Breastfeeding Essentials

When it comes to environmentally-friendly, non-toxic products, few brands are as committed as New Zealand-based Haakaa. With environmental issues becoming more pressing by the day, it makes sense to join Haakaa in choosing non-toxic products: for the health of your child, of course, but also to preserve the world they will live in the future. But with so many brilliant Haakaa products to choose from, where do you start? Read on for some of our favourite Haakaa Breastfeeding Essentials!T …
15th Aug 2019 Susanna

Haakaa Breastfeeding Must Haves

I get loads of messages from lots of other mums asking which haakaa breastfeeding products should I get? This is a difficult question to answer however if I had to choose a few, these would be the Haakaa breastfeeding products that I personally recommend for any new mumsHaakaa Breast Pump - I cannot emphasize how amazing this famous Haakaa breast pump is. It is simple to use, easy to clean and effective. You simply squeeze the bottom of the pump, latch it on your breast and leave it to d …
28th Feb 2019 Jane Crinion

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